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10 COPD Facts to Help You Manage Your Condition

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man using smartphone app

A smartphone app can alert you to avoid nearby risky environments where air pollution and weather conditions are likely to aggravate your COPD.

Charles Moore, “.” Bio News Texas. Feb. 14, 2014.    

man in bright sunlightHigher outdoor temperatures can increase your COPD symptoms and rescue medication use while worsening your lung function.

American Thoracic Society, “.” Science Daily. May 19, 2014.      

hepa air filterReplaceable HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters remove as much as 99 percent of indoor air pollutants to improve your COPD symptoms.

Denise Mann, “.” Everyday Health. March 12, 2014.      

woman walking regeminUse a pedometer-based walking program with Internet instruction and support to improve your health-related quality of life.

American Thoracic Society, “.” Medical News Today. May 21, 2014.      

woman moderate exerciseModerate to vigorous physical activity can lower your rehospitalization risk.

.” RT Magazine. April 21, 2014.                

man with bronchodilatorTreatment may combine a short-acting bronchodilator like Ventolin with a long-acting bronchodilator like Combivent.

Zab Mosenifar, M.D., “.” Medscape. June 2, 2014.              

healthy steak dinnerYou burn 10 times more calories breathing than people without lung disease, so eat high-protein, high-calorie foods to avoid unplanned weight loss.

.” Lung Institute. June 13, 2014.      

bananas and grapefruitEat fish, cheese, bananas and grapefruit for better lung function and fewer COPD symptoms.

Amy Norton, “.” HealthDay. May 21, 2014.                

teenagers smoking cigarettesIn smokers, COPD appears typically 20 or more years after taking up this unhealthy habit.

.” Healthy Women.  


quit smoking conceptQuit smoking to slow down, stop or reverse COPD’s progressive deterioration of your lung function.

Mike McMullen, “.” Men’s Health Magazine. June 12, 2014.

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