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10 Important Updates About the Fight Against HIV/AIDS

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10 Important Updates About the Fight Against HIV/AIDS

Young ManThanks to treatment advances, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has progressed from a fatal disease to a chronic condition patients can control with medications and healthy lifestyle choices.

Harvard Health Publications, “.” MSN Healthy Living.

Getting MedicationSince anti‐retroviral treatments (ART) became available in 1995, the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) death rate has dropped by over 80 percent.

.” Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America.  

Great MedicationToday, a 20-year-old HIV-positive American on combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) can expect to live 50 more years.

Dennis Sifris, M.D., and James Myhre, “” May 11, 2014.


Crowd of AmericansOf the 1.3 million people living with HIV in the U.S., 260,000 (or one-fifth) are unaware that they have the infection.

.” Avert.    

Gay CoupleAccording to the Centers for Disease Control, about half of all new HIV/AIDS cases occur in gay and bisexual men.

.” Medweiser.    

Woman and DoctorWomen comprise 24 percent or over 270,000 of the Americans living with HIV.

.” The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. March 26, 2014.    

Brain ScansA 15-year study found that HIV-positive patients with high CD4 cell counts had a reduced risk of ischemic strokes.

Kaiser Permanente, “.” Science Daily. June 24, 2014.  

Antiviral MedicationReyataz (atazanavir) is an antiviral medication that helps you manage your condition by preventing HIV cells from multiplying in your body.

.” April 1, 2013.  

Happy Old MenNow that HIV patients are living longer, older ones must face higher mental health and neurocognitive impairment risks along with more social isolation.

“.” Medical News Today. June 27, 2014.  

Looking for a CureAn HIV cure is a major scientific priority with researchers working on vaccines by replicating broadly neutralizing antibodies that combat a wide range of HIV strains.

.” Monash University. June 24, 2014.

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