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5 First-Aid Tips for a Sprained Ankle

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If you participate in summer and fall sports, you might experience a sprained ankle. An injury with ligament damage can cause uncontrolled bleeding, leading to swelling. That can put pressure on your nerve endings, resulting in pain. To ease this common impairment’s inflammation and pain, take Advil Extra-Strength Liqui-Gels. Research shows that following the RICER method immediately after a soft-tissue sprain reduces healing time significantly. Following these steps will encourage a full recovery.

sep24-21. Rest Your Wounded Limb

Using your sprained ankle as little as possible will stall blood flowing to that area to impede further damage. Crutches will allow you to walk without putting weight on your injured area. That may be wise for at least 48 hours. But continue exercising other muscles, advises the . Cardiovascular conditioning is still possible with just three limbs. To ride an exercise bike with arm handles, for example, rest your sore ankle lightly on a nonmoving surface while working out both arms and your uninjured leg.

sep24-32. Ice the Affected Area

Utilizing ice ― whether you apply a cold wrap, pack, or compression sleeve or soak your ankle in slush bath ― is the best way to minimize bleeding, inflammation, and pain, says stretch coach . Treat the injured area as quickly as possible following a sprain. Continue four to eight 15- to 20-minute icing sessions per day during the initial 48-hour period or until your swelling wanes. Time each treatment because icing for too long may promote tissue damage.


sep24-43. Compress Your Joint

Secure a wide, firm neoprene or elastic bandage, wrap, sleeve, or brace around your ankle to compress the wounded area lightly. Besides covering your ankle, you should wrap the compression bandage around your lower leg as well. Such compression offers multiple benefits. While supporting your ankle, it also helps decrease bleeding and inflammation around your joint.


sep24-54. Elevate the Damaged Leg

Relax in a sitting or reclining position to raise your affected ankle to any level above your heart. Do that as often as possible, especially during the initial 48 hours following an accident. It’s another way to reduce any bleeding while limiting or preventing swelling. As your inflammation and pain decline, start using your sprained area gently. Improvement should be gradual yet progressive.


sep24-65. Refer Your Care to a Doctor

Get medical care immediately if your afflicted limb can’t bear weight or your ankle joint is numb, unstable, or unusable because you may have a complete ligament tear. Red streaks or redness spreading out from your infirmity’s site may indicate an infection, which requires urgent treatment. So does a reinjured area. Delayed or inadequate therapy for a serious sprain can lead to chronic pain or joint instability. Consult a sports doctor or physical therapist immediately to diagnose and treat any serious ankle issues.

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