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5 Tips for Living With Chronic Pain

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Chronic pain can have numerous causes. Arthritis, old injuries, shingles, cancer, diabetes or migraines can all cause chronic pain. Sometimes, chronic pain doesn’t have an identifiable cause. If you’re living with chronic pain though, you have to find ways to cope — whether or not you can pinpoint a cause. Pain specialists make their careers out of understanding what causes pain and how pain can be treated. One of the ways doctors treat chronic pain is by prescribing pain medications – nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, like diclofenac (Voltaren), are the first choice of treatment for chronic pain related to arthritis, cancer, nerve injury, tendinitis and other conditions. You can fill your Voltaren prescription online for less than you’d pay at your neighborhood pharmacy. If your pain is too severe to be managed by NSAIDs, there are other options available. You may be surprised to find your doctor writing you a prescription for antidepressants to ease your pain. Low doses of antidepressants can adjust neurotransmitter levels in the brain, leading to better pain control. Tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline (Elavil) are prescribed to manage severe chronic pain. In addition to medication, lifestyle changes can help you cope with chronic pain. Following these five guidelines can help you learn to enjoy your life in spite of pain and can even help reduce your pain levels.

1) Meditate

Meditation to have a beneficial effect on pain levels. There are many meditation techniques you can use to deal with your chronic pain, but they all involve focusing the mind, breathing deeply and relaxing the body. The deep breathing and relaxation associated with meditation help to relieve muscle tension, which can relieve your pain. Meditation also helps you practice being present with your pain and at peace with your place in life. You can or take a class.

2) Manage Stress

Stress can make your pain worse, but learning to relax and let go of stress can reduce your pain. Stress management techniques can also reduce feelings of anxiety and depression you may be struggling with due to your chronic pain. Try listening to soothing music, learning relaxation exercises or practicing progressive muscle relaxation. Make time for yourself and for the things you like doing. If your chronic pain has limited your ability to do the things you once did, focus on what you can still do.

3) Exercise and Eat Right

Exercise releases endorphins, which can boost your mood while relieving your pain. It also helps strengthen your muscles and joints so you’re less likely to hurt yourself and obtain another potential source of chronic pain. Regular exercise can also relieve stress and help you maintain a healthy weight, which is important if arthritis is the cause of your chronic pain. Eating a healthy diet is also crucial to your good health and mental and emotional well-being. Eat a diet consisting of whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy, and fruits and vegetables to protect your health and control your weight. You’ll feel healthier and happier if you eat nutritious foods.

4) Get Massages

chronicpain2Massage is another treatment that’s been for chronic pain. Massage relieves muscle tension and stress. It also has been found to have benefits for chronic pain disorders like fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, nerve pain, paresthesias, sports injuries and temporomandibular joint pain. Beyond relieving pain and stress, massage can promote feelings of comfort, empowerment, and trust between client and therapist.

5) Seek Support

Living with chronic pain can feel isolating, especially if your pain has kept you from doing the things you enjoy or has significantly impaired your functioning. It’s easy to feel like you’re the only person in the world with chronic pain, but you aren’t. Plenty of other people know what it’s like. Reaching out to them can help you feel supported and encouraged. Seek out a support group for people with chronic pain — preferably a group for people with your specific condition, if such a group is available in your area. Sharing your feelings and experiences with others who understand what you’re going through can make it easier to cope, and can ease feelings of guilt and embarrassment you may feel as a result of your condition. If you can’t find a support group in your area, search for support forums on the Internet. It can be difficult to live a happy life with chronic pain, but it’s not impossible. If medication isn’t enough to manage your pain, lifestyle changes can make it easier to handle. A healthy lifestyle and support from others can make your chronic pain easier to bear.   Rodney Sewell is a leading expert in his field with over 20 years of experience in the medical industry as an M.D. He is highly educated in pharmaceutical knowledge and trends. Connect with .

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