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5 Ways to Cope with Your Enlarged Prostate

Enlarged Prostate Issues
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Natural prostate growth begins around age 25. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the leading prostate enlargement cause. While it doesn’t cause symptoms in 50 to 60 percent of men, BPH can make many others lives’ miserable. Its urinary frequency and urgency, hesitant and weak streams, interrupted urination and dribbling, incomplete voiding sensations, and leaks can disrupt your daily life and sleep. Experts offer five coping tips to minimize these extremely uncomfortable and inconvenient symptoms.

1. Seek Treatment and Support

Taking medication for prostate issues CanadianPharmacyMeds.comFlomax (Tamsulosin) blocks alpha-1 receptors, allowing your prostate and bladder neck muscles to relax for better urine flow. The newest FDA-approved drug for enlarged prostate is Cialis (Tadalafil). This erectile dysfunction medication also relaxes your muscles to improve your urine stream. Your doctor also may recommend a BPH patient support group to connect with fellow strugglers who can help you control your symptoms better.

2. Take Time to Empty Your Bladder Completely

Man checking watch CanadianPharmacyMeds.comHesitant and weak urinary streams can cause frustration and impatience. Yet giving up too soon will make your urge to pee occur more frequently. If you can’t urinate, sit instead of standing. Allow a few extra minutes so nature can run its course. Pass that time by reading a book or playing a smartphone game. Focusing on anything else will help your body loosen up, which encourages urine elimination. Or may help. Pee. Relax. Pause. Resume. Don’t postpone urinating. An overly distended bladder can compound your difficulties.

3. Practice Relaxation Routines

Man practicing relaxation can trigger severe symptoms. But you can ease your discomfort substantially by reducing work and home pressures. Take daily breaks to deal with the burden of ongoing tension and your enlarged prostate by extension. Practice muscle relaxation, deep-breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga. Because anxiety tenses your prostate and bladder opening muscles, relaxing before attempting to pee can make urinating less difficult.

4. Exercise Regularly

Exercising for prostate health analyzed the leisure-time and job-related activity amounts of 1,369 BPH patients and 1,451 healthy controls. Subjects with the greatest spare-time and work physical activity levels reduced their BPH risks by 60 percent. At least five hours of recreational exercise per week decreased BPH odds by 30 to 50 percent, compared to working out fewer than two hours. Men with physically strenuous occupations like construction workers and farmers were 30 to 40 percent less liable to develop enlarged prostates than those who had desk jobs.

5. Limit Late-Night Fluid Consumption

Man turning down drink CanadianPharmacyMeds.comThis is particularly true for excess caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. Their diuretic properties can exacerbate frequent urges to urinate. These kidney stimulants and bladder irritants can send you to the bathroom more often than water or soft drinks. Caffeine and alcohol also can weaken your bladder’s muscle tone and elasticity. Stop all liquids one or two hours prior to sleeping to avoid nocturia, or awakening overnight to pee.

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