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5 Ways Weather Affects Your Health

Weather and Health
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People around the world claim that weather has a direct connection to their health — from aggravating symptoms of current ailments to increasing susceptibility to new sicknesses. have been studying biometeorology, weather’s impact on the human body, for years. They’ve found that sudden temperature changes, cold snaps, heat waves, and ­thunderstorms can affect certain conditions. Taking medications from this Canadian pharmacy can help. So can the following tips.

 Man With Chest Pain CanadianPharmacyMeds.com1. Heart Attacks

At any time of year, a 2 degree Fahrenheit decrease causes 200 extra heart attacks over the following 28 days. Cold weather constricts blood vessels, reducing circulating water, according to Dr. Gavin Donaldson, senior lecturer in respiratory medicine at University College London. This thickens your blood so it’s more likely to clot, raising heart attack risk. In hot weather, you lose water through sweat. Your blood is more concentrated and likely to clot. Preparation is more important than the temperature. Dress in layers so you can adjust to changes. Keep active in cold weather. Drink plenty of fluids on hot days.

Man with inhaler CanadianPharmacyMeds.com2. Lung Problems

Temperature changes are dangerous for emphysema and chronic bronchitis patients. In hot weather, you breathe harder since more energy and oxygen are necessary to cool your body. This can intensify coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. A recent study discovered that wind carries pollen grains into the lower airways during thunderstorms, sending many asthma patients to hospitals. Check WeatherBug’s . Keep temperatures constant at home, so you don’t experience sudden changes. Research found that physical exertion reduces the risk of chest infections, so stay active.

Woman with Migraine

3. Migraines

A U.S. study of 7000 people found that migraine risk rises 7.5 percent for every 9 degree Fahrenheit temperature increase. Weather-related triggers include bright sunlight, hot or cold temperatures, high humidity, dry air, windy or stormy weather, and barometric pressure changes. Keep a log of when migraines occur. Use WeatherBug’s to track temperature, humidity, and wind chill for each attack. Then identify weather conditions that could be causing your migraines. Stay indoors during windy and very cold weather.

Man with joint pain CanadianPharmacyMeds.com4. Joint Pain

About 70 percent of people with joint problems report that cold or damp weather generates aches and pains. Lower pressure may allow inflamed joints to swell more, stimulating nerve fibers. Or the tendency to be less active in bad weather may cause joints to stiffen. Studies show that many people are low on vitamin D, which can cause joint pain, during cold, damp winters. Protect your joints by being active every day and taking vitamin D supplements. Regular moderate exercise stimulates your muscles, bones, and cartilage around your joints, keeping you mobile and healthy.

Woman applying skin cream CanadianPharmacyMeds.com5. Eczema

Your skin is an important part of your body’s temperature-control mechanism, but it doesn’t function well if you have dry, itchy, blistering skin from eczema. When the temperature rises, you get hot quicker, and itching worsens. The cold and wind can dry your skin even more, exacerbating your symptoms. Keep your body temperature as stable as possible. Don’t overdo heating or air conditioning and stay in well-ventilated places. Soothe your skin with moisturizers at least twice a day.

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