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9 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Eggs

Variety of ways to prepare eggs
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For decades, eggs have developed an unfair bad reputation. show that eating up to three whole eggs per day is safe for most people. Discover nine health-enhancing reasons to enjoy this popular breakfast staple again while relishing extra bonuses: eggs are inexpensive, low in calories, easy to prepare, and taste great.

1. Eggs Offer Essential Nutrients

A whole egg is among the most nutritious foods on the planet. It contains all the necessary nutrients to turn a single cell into a baby chicken:
  • Vitamin A: 6 percent of the RDA
  • Folate: 5 percent
  • VitaminB2: 15 percent
  • Vitamin B5: 7 percent
  • Vitamin B12: 9 percent
  • Phosphorus: 9 percent
  • Selenium: 22 percent
You also get decent amounts of vitamins D, E, K, and B6, along with calcium and zinc.This perfect little food contains some of almost every essential nutrient you need including other trace nutrients that are important for health. Pastured or omega-3-enriched eggs are much higher in vitamins A and E.

2. Eggs Help You Maintain LDL Cholesterol

One hard-boiled egg contains 186 milligrams of cholesterol. This amount delivers 62 percent of the recommended daily intake of 300 milligrams, according to the American Heart Association.Despite what you’ve heard, consuming cholesterol in your diet doesn’t necessarily raise cholesterol in your blood. Your liver produces large amounts of this waxy, fat-like substance every day. When you eat more eggs, your liver produces less cholesterol. For 70 percent of people, eggs don’t elevate cholesterol.In the other 30 percent of hyper responders, eggs may raise total and bad low-density lipoprotein(LDL) cholesterolmildly.

3. Eggs Boost HDL Cholesterol

Eggs raise good high-density lipoprotein (HDL)cholesterol levels, which can lower your risks of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. Researchers believe that the lecithin in egg yolks helps HDL cholesterol scavenge excess LDL and remove it from your blood.HDHsends LDL to your liver,which breaks it down and eliminates it from your body. A found that eating three whole eggs a day raised HDL levels more than 15 percent.

4. Eggs Lower Triglycerides

Studies show that consuming eggs enriched with omega-3, a polyunsaturated fat, is an effective way to reduce triglycerides, a harmful fat in your blood.These benefits come from docosohexaeonic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)primarily.In one study, eating just five omega3–enriched eggs per week for three weeks reduced high triglyceride levels, a well-known heart disease risk factor, by 16-18 percent.

Testing blood-sugar levels CanadianPharmacyMeds.com5. Eggs Improve Diabetes Management

A found that eggs don’t have a bad effect on cholesterol levels in type 2 diabetics. The researchers also linked eating an egg-rich diet for three months to better appetite control. Managing increased hunger and weight issues are vital to achieving optimal blood sugar levels. The findings showed that eating two eggs per day, six days a week can be a safe part of a healthy diet for people with Type 2 diabetes.Other research found that eating eggs as part of a low-carb diet leads to improvements in heart disease risk factors for diabetics.Along with a healthy diet and exercise, Actos helps control blood sugar levels in Type 2 diabetics.

6. Eggs Reduce Heart Disease Risk

In a review of 17 studies with a total of 263,938 participants, researchers found no association between egg consumption and heart disease or stroke.Many other studies have led to the same conclusion.You probably know that high levels of bad LDL cholesterol can increase your heart disease risk. But you may not realize that subtypes affect LDL particle sizes.Multiple studies have shown that people with predominantly small, dense LDL particles have a higher risk of heart disease than those who have mostly large particles.Studies have found that eating eggs changes small, dense particles to large ones,which is good for your heart.

7. Eggs Enhance Eye Health

Several nutrients help counteract degenerative processes that can worsen your vision as you age.The most common cause of blindness is vitamin A deficiency, but eating eggs can raise your intake. Egg yolks contain large amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin, powerful antioxidants that tend to build up in your retinas.Studies show that consuming adequate amounts of these nutrients can reduce your risks of cataracts and macular degeneration significantly.In one controlled trial, eating just 1.3 egg yolks per day for 4.5 weeks increased blood levels of lutein by 28-50 percent and zeaxanthin by 114-142 percent.

8. Eggs Increase Well-Being

Proteins are the main building blocks of the human body. They make all sorts of tissues and molecules that serve both structural and functional purposes.Getting enough protein in your diet is very important, and studies show that currently recommended amounts may be too low. Eggs are an excellent source of quality animal protein, providing all the essential amino acids in the right ratios. A single large egg contains six grams of protein in just 77 calories.The protein in eggs can lower blood pressure, optimize bone health, and increase muscle mass.

9. Eggs Promote Weight Loss

Eggs score high on the Satiety Index, which measures its ability to induce feelings of fullness and reduce subsequent calorie intake.In a study of overweight women, eating eggs instead of bagels for breakfast increased feelings of fullness so they consumed fewer calories over the next 36 hours. Another study found that subjects who made this breakfast switch achieved significant weight loss after eight weeks.Variety of ways to prepare eggs

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