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Which Supplements Improve Diabetic Health?

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Adult-onset or Type 2 diabetes affects 90 to 95 percent of America’s 26 million diabetics. While controlling your blood sugar levels can be challenging, it is more likely to prevent future complications and prolong your life. Research shows healthy diets and lifestyles can prevent, halt and even reverse Type 2 diabetes. In addition to eating fresh whole foods, can boost your efforts to regulate your blood glucose levels and reduce your insulin resistance. Even better, they may make your medicine more effective. Talk to the doctor who prescribed your Type 2 diabetes prescription like Byetta about possible interactions before adding supplements.

Manage Your Blood Sugar Levels With Aloe Vera

Most of us think of aloe vera as a topical sunburn soother or an ingredient in hydrating lotions. It’s also ingestible in pill, gel capsule and juice forms. Recent research indicates aloe can help diabetics manage blood sugar levels. A study found 94 percent of subjects’ fasting blood sugars were in the normal range after two months of aloe treatment. In addition to aloe’s high fiber content, polysaccharides and glycoprotein may help your body use glucose effectively. Aloe may have the potential to remove excess glucose from your blood and encourage proper insulin production. Scientists believe its detoxifying properties increase your body’s antioxidant defenses.

Reduce Diabetic Nerve Pain With Alpha Lipoic Acid

While your body makes some alpha lipoic acid (ALA), you can’t get this essential fatty acid from any food sources. Research shows this antioxidant may assist in blood sugar control and enhance the uptake of glucose into cells. It may help inhibit glycosylation, the abnormal attachment of sugar to proteins, which hinders their normal functioning. ALA may improve blood flow to nerve endings, helping relieve pain and numbness. A study found that oral ALA supplements reduced diabetic neuropathy when compared to a placebo. Participants reported experiencing 51 percent less pain after just two weeks of supplementation.

Lower Fasting Blood Glucose With Chromium

Your blood contains small amounts of chromium, but many Type 2 diabetics are deficient in this essential trace element. It plays a role in blood sugar regulation by working with insulin to help transport glucose to cells. The combined results of several studies suggest chromium may lower fasting blood glucose and hemoglobin A1C (three-month average) levels. When your chromium levels are sufficient, research shows you need much lower insulin amounts. By enhancing insulin action, chromium helps you maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

Decrease Blood Sugar Spikes With Cinnamon

Exactly how cinnamon may affect blood sugar is unclear. Theories include that it may decrease insulin resistance and increase insulin action. This spice may enhance insulin sensitivity, improve glucose uptake into cells and decrease inflammation. Cinnamon may reduce blood glucose from spiking after eating a meal. Some studies show cinnamon can lower fasting blood glucose and blood sugar levels. A study showed taking 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon for 40 days reduced blood sugar levels by 24 percent. Another study discovered taking a 500-milligram cinnamon capsule twice daily for 90 days improved participants’ hemoglobin A1C levels. According to experts, a quarter teaspoon a day can improve insulin resistance. If you don’t get that much in your daily diet, you may want to take a cinnamon supplement.

Improve A1C Levels With Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10 or ubiquinol, a vitamin-like substance in almost every cell of your body, helps convert food into energy. This powerful antioxidant plays a major role in carbohydrate metabolism. It can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or help prevent some of the damage they cause.Research suggests this coenzyme can improve diabetic outcomes and may lower blood sugar levels. Two studies found that 100 milligrams of CoQ10 twice daily improved A1C levels.

Diminish Inflammation With Fish Oil

Your body doesn’t produce omega-3 on its own. Many people don’t get enough of this essential fatty acid in their diets. Inflammation and proper blood flow are major concerns for diabetics, so they may have extra needs for fish oil’s anti-inflammatory and circulation-improving benefits. You also can get omega-3 in flaxseed oil or a supplement with phytoplankton.

Promote Healthy Insulin Production With Magnesium

Perhaps the most important mineral for optimal health, magnesium plays a role in over 300 metabolic functions. It may help prevent Type 2 diabetes, especially in women. Many diabetics tend to have a magnesium deficiency, which can increase high-blood-sugar issues. Magnesium must be present in your body for several glucose-processing enzymes to work. It also helps your body absorb vitamin D, which many diabetics lack. Research shows magnesium can help promote healthy insulin production. Studies report people with higher magnesium intakes are 10 to 47 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. A meta-analysis of nine magnesium supplement trials found that 360 milligrams per day lowered Type 2 diabetics’ fasting glucose levels. Low-quality processed foods contribute to magnesium deficiency. You should be able to get adequate amounts by eating a healthy diet and/or taking pill, powder or liquid supplements.supp2

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle for Diabetic Health

While these dietary supplements can help improve your health, they shouldn’t replace your regular medical care and doctor-prescribed medications. To manage your diabetes, eat a variety of nutritious foods in moderate amounts at regular mealtimes. Emphasize fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your low-carb, low-fat and low-calorie diet. Also maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, keeping off excess weight, not smoking and monitoring your blood sugar levels closely.

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