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Benefits of Honey – Is Honey Healthy?

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Instead of assigning tedious chores for your honey to do, this list is overflowing with sweet, golden honey’s health-enhancing benefits. Honeybees transform the nectar they gather from flowers into a delicious elixir that’s been a natural healer since ancient times. Enjoying its rich abundance of nutrients is one of the simplest yet most powerful ways to protect your body.

Health Benefits of Honey

According to Dr. Ron Fessenden, M.D., MPH, an expert on honey’s physiological benefits, raw organic honey is the healthiest type because it preserves all of nature’s benefits. Due its powerful antioxidant, antibacterial and antiseptic properties, honey is a popular medicinal remedy that treats many common health problems. Regulates Blood Sugar Honey isn’t off limits to diabetics just because it tastes sweet. It actually helps regulate blood sugar levels. The fructose portion allows your liver to take in the glucose to form glycogen. By removing glucose from circulation, this process lowers blood sugar. show that this natural sweetener produces more liver glycogene than any other food on a per gram basis. If you’re a non-insulin dependent Type 2 diabetic, Prandin (Repaglinide) also will help you manage your insulin levels. Reduces Heart Disease Risk Because the antioxidants in honey are cholesterol fighters, they have the potential to protect against heart disease. Research shows that a honey and cinnamon blend revitalizes the heart’s arteries and veins while reducing blood cholesterol levels by up to 10 percent. Consuming this mixture on a regular basis may reduce your initial or repeat heart attack risk. Combine 1-2 tablespoons of honey and 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon in warm water for a heart-healthy daily drink. Honey Dipper - Honey Health BenefitsRelieves Heartburn When stomach acid backs up into your esophagus, you feel the painful burning sensation of heartburn in your chest and throat. But soothing honey can coat your esophagus and even help heal acid reflux damage, minimizing your Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) symptoms. Swallow a teaspoon of honey before meals and bedtime or whenever heartburn symptoms arise. Or add a spoonful to a mug of warm water or chamomile tea and sip this natural heartburn remedy slowly.     Counteracts Insomnia The potassium and other nutrients in honey help alkalize your body and nourish your brain, causing relaxation and sleep. They can even help you get back to sleep if you awaken too early. Because honey promotes the release of melatonin, it provides a double sedative effect that encourages restorative sleep. Honey is a fat-digesting carbohydrate that allows Tryptophan to enter your brain easily and cause drowsiness. Add honey to warm milk, another tryptophan source, for a sleep-inducing nightcap. Eliminates Dandruff with chronic dandruff and Seborrheic dermatitis applied honey diluted with 10 percent warm water to their problem areas. After three hours, they rinsed their hair with warm water. All patients experienced itch relief with scaling gone within one week. Skin lesions healed completely within two weeks. Patients showed subjective improvement in hair loss as well. After using this remedy on a weekly basis for six months, they showed no signs of relapse.

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