Canadian Pharmacy Meds

Providing Affordable International Medications


3 Ways to Have a Healthy Winter

‘Tis the season to stay inside, be inactive and eat comfort food accompanied by high calorie drinks. As tempting as this can be, avoiding this sluggish winter routine will keep you healthier and happier. That’s a genuine bet, because when your immune system is strong, you’re moving and managing your diet and health conditions, you […]

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What You Still Might Not Know About the Flu

Even though we’re officially into spring now, flu season this year is still going strong. Yes, it is definitely common to be wondering whether you have a cold, a flu, or if you’ve caught some other virus going around. While already feeling under the weather, you can also feel confused about what it is you […]

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Don’t Let the Flu Slow You Down This Fall: 5 Tips for COPD and Asthma Sufferers

Flu season is almost here, and if you have asthma, allergies, or COPD, it’s especially important to take steps to avoid the flu. COPD, asthma, and other respiratory conditions don’t exactly make you more vulnerable to the flu, but if you are infected, you’re more likely to suffer serious, even life-threatening, illness complications. Luckily, there’s […]

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Man with postnasal drip

When Postnasal Drip Is Bothersome

Glands lining your intestinal tract, stomach, airways, sinuses, throat, and nose produce one to two quarts of mucus every day. Besides moistening those areas, this thick viscous secretion traps and destroys foreign bacterial and viral invaders so they don’t enter your body to trigger infections. But you don’t notice the phlegm and saliva mixture dripping […]

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