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Happy Stomach

Why Your Gut is Key to Your Health

How Gut Health Works You know that your immune system plays a vital role in your health, but did you know that 60-80% of your immune system actually lives in your gut? Your gut lining, consisting of the walls of your intestine and colon, is home to the majority of your immune system’s cells which […]

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Skin Caner infographic

Skin Cancer Is the Most Common Form of Cancer in the U.S.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S. More than 3.5 million skin cancers in over 2 million people are diagnosed every year Treatment of nonmelanoma skin cancers increased by 77% between 1992-2006 In the past 30 years, more people have had skin cancer than all other cancers combined 1 in […]

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American and Diabetes

Americans and Diabetes

29 million Americans (over 9% of the population) have diabetes 8 million cases are undiagnosed 30% or 12 million of Americans age 65+ have diabetes 2 million new diagnoses each year 86 million Americans age 20+ have pre-diabetes Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in US 208,000 Americans under age 20 have diagnosed […]

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How Does High Blood Pressure Affect Us

How Does High Blood Pressure Affect Us?

Suffering from high blood pressure is a serious health issue effecting 67 million Americans. Nearly one in three adults suffers from hypertension and less than half of those have it under control. In fact, many Americans (1 in 5) don’t even know they suffer from it. High blood pressure can lead to and increases your […]

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