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Health Insurance Costs

Insurance Status May Affect Survival Rate After Cardiovascular Event

Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health discovered that a person’s health insurance status is a bigger determinant of survival than race following a heart attack, stroke or other acute cardiovascular event. These results highlight the importance of buying cheap medications from a online Canadian pharmacy. Medical experts have known that African […]

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Diabetes Information

Facts About Diabetes – Treatment and Prevention

Facts About Diabetes Diabetes affects 8.3% of the population. That’s 25.8 million people. 7 million people are undiagnosed, while 18.8 million are diagnosed. Diabetes Age Statistics: U.S. residents over 65:  10.9 million U.S. residents under 20:  215,000 Total U.S. residents over 20:  25.6 million Diabetes Treatment: 12% use only insulin 58% use only oral medication […]

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West Nile Virus

West Nile Virus – Risk Factors, Symptoms and Treatment

West Nile Virus Information West Nile Virus is a virus spread through mosquito bites and can infect humans, birds, horses, and other animals. It has spread globally and become an increasing problem in the United States, with over 30,000 Americans infected since 1999. As of October 2012, a West Nile outbreak had reached 48 states. […]

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Senior Sex Health

Sexual Health and Responsibility After 50

Sexual activity and health needs to be a more common and open dialogue for older adults, since 80% of people age 50 years and older are sexually active. Sexually transmitted disease rates have doubled over the past decade, meaning higher levels of STD and STI awareness and responsibility are needed. First, not enough people are […]

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