Canadian Pharmacy Meds

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Is Shame Preventing You From Seeking Medical Treatment?

Incontinence. Hemorrhoids. Vaginal discharge. Erectile dysfunction. Painful sex. Genital warts. Are you too embarrassed to reveal these unspeakable conditions to doctors? Learn how to confess your symptoms so treatment can provide the relief you need. Why Wait? According to a Pfizer report, many diseases, conditions and lifestyles still carry a stigma in our society. These […]

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5 Reasons Why You Should Exercise Daily

1. Every time you go for a one hour walk your life expectancy increases by 2 hours! 2. Exercising in your teen years can reduce your chances of developing a brain tumor during your lifetime by nearly 40%. 3. Exercise increases energy levels and increases serotonin in the brain, which leads to improved mental clarity. […]

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exercise conversion chart

5 Exercise Facts That You Probably Didn’t Know

1. Men who exercise frequently are only one third as likely to experience erectile dysfunction, as compared to men who exercise very little or not at all. Constance G. Bacon et al., “Sexual Function in Men Older Than 50 Years of Age.” Annals of Internal Medicine, 2003, 139 (3), 161-168.     2. Exercisers can […]

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The Link Between Obesity and Diabetes

Canadian Pharmacy Meds posts one new comic strip every Thursday. It can be easily shared on Facebook, Twitter and Google+!

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