Canadian Pharmacy Meds

Providing Affordable International Medications


What Does it Mean if Someone is Autistic?

Every person experiences their health condition or disease in a very specific way, and certain conditions have a lot more range than others. Since April is Autism Awareness Month, let’s learn the basics of what autism is, how it can be experienced, and how it is managed and treated. What is Autism? Autism is a […]

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Happy Stomach

Why Your Gut is Key to Your Health

How Gut Health Works You know that your immune system plays a vital role in your health, but did you know that 60-80% of your immune system actually lives in your gut? Your gut lining, consisting of the walls of your intestine and colon, is home to the majority of your immune system’s cells which […]

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3 Ways to Have a Healthy Winter

‘Tis the season to stay inside, be inactive and eat comfort food accompanied by high calorie drinks. As tempting as this can be, avoiding this sluggish winter routine will keep you healthier and happier. That’s a genuine bet, because when your immune system is strong, you’re moving and managing your diet and health conditions, you […]

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Couple arguing with each other

How Constantly Fighting Affects Your Health

We love creating a larger dialogue about health by discussing the many aspects that are interrelated. Thankfully, there is increasing awareness of the necessity for a healthy diet, regular exercise, mental and emotional health, and effective medication to all work together for the best overall health. Each element affects the others, and we are examining […]

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