Canadian Pharmacy Meds

Providing Affordable International Medications


What You Need to Know About Hepatitis C

What Is Hepatitis C? Hepatitis C refers to a disease that results from a certain virus that targets and infects the liver. If you have contracted Hepatitis C, you could eventually be at risk for liver failure, liver cancer, and cirrhosis. Hepatitis C can be difficult to catch since you may not be aware of […]

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Tomatoa pasta on plate with fresh basil leaves

The Difference Between Celiac Disease, Gluten Allergy & Gluten Sensitivity

In our previous article on gluten-free diets, we discussed the trend of people eating gluten-free whether they have Celiac Disease or not. Today, we will focus on those of you who do definitely have an inability or difficulty digesting gluten. While there are common symptoms across the board for anyone with gluten sensitivity, how you […]

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Scientists are working to create gluten-free wheat

Should You Eat Gluten-free if You Don’t Have Celiac Disease?

You have probably noticed that your grocery stores have started offering a variety of gluten-free options in the last several years. There are gluten-free cereals, pastas, salad dressings, desserts, and more. However, only 1% of Americans have celiac disease, which is an inability to properly break down the gluten that is present in grain products. […]

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2016 new healthy year

Gift Guide Series for a Healthier 2016 Part 1

One way to enjoy your holiday season is to finish your gift shopping as early as possible so that you don’t have the stress of last minute shopping. Early December is a good time to start selecting and ordering holiday gifts, because anything that can be ordered online can save you a trip to the […]

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