Canadian Pharmacy Meds

Providing Affordable International Medications


How to Portion Control for Healthy Weight

As March is National Nutrition Month, we are reminded how vital a role our food choices and eating habits play in every area of health. For any health conditions, healthy weight and long-term healthy living, an educated diet is one of the key components along with regular exercise and effective medication. You know best what […]

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Menopause Woman with computer

Why Sitting Isn’t the New Smoking

Sitting Isn’t The New Smoking A few years ago, headline after headline warned of the health risks of sitting, people were searching for standing desks online, and companies used photos of their standing or treadmill desks to show their progressive approach to health in the workplace. The idea made sense: sitting most of the day […]

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heart health

How to Improve Effectiveness of Your Heart Medication

What Does Crestor Do? If you are prescribed a cholesterol medication such as Crestor, you are likely managing the triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) “bad” cholesterol in your blood and increasing your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) “good” cholesterol. This works to lower your risk of heart disease, or to help prevent further episodes, if you have […]

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Young woman holding her painful neck

Hyperthyroidism: What You Need to Know

What Does Your Thyroid Do? Your thyroid is an endocrine gland at the base of your throat that is responsible for producing hormones. These hormones help regulate many processes in the body, such as breathing, heart rate, weight, body temperature, and muscle strength. One of the most important functions of your thyroid is your metabolism […]

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