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Americans and Diabetes

American and Diabetes
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29 million Americans (over 9% of the population) have diabetes 8 million cases are undiagnosed 30% or 12 million of Americans age 65+ have diabetes 2 million new diagnoses each year 86 million Americans age 20+ have pre-diabetes Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in US 208,000 Americans under age 20 have diagnosed diabetes $245 billion: Total cost of diabetes in the US in 2012 ($176b in direct medical costs, $69b in lost productivity) America has a serious issue with diabetes that shows no signs of slowing down. It’s the seventh leading cause of death in the US, but is severely under-reported due to it going undiagnosed and being an underlying cause of death in many cases. Nearly 30 million Americans or a tenth of the population are living with diabetes with almost a third of those cases going undiagnosed. About 2 million new diagnoses occur every year with another 86 million Americans falling in the pre-diabetes range. It costs Americans nearly a quarter trillion dollars a year in medical costs and reduced productivity. Living with and treating diabetes is taking a big toll on Americans. Source:

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