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Gift Guide Series for a Healthier 2016 Part 1

2016 new healthy year
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One way to enjoy your holiday season is to finish your gift shopping as early as possible so that you don’t have the stress of last minute shopping. Early December is a good time to start selecting and ordering holiday gifts, because anything that can be ordered online can save you a trip to the mall. We think it’s a pretty safe bet that everyone on your Christmas shopping list has a health goal for the new year that you can support by gifting them a helpful tool. Whether your loved ones wants to improve their nutrition, fitness, or achieve better weight management, there are items that can help them reach their goals. This year, your gift can be thoughtful and helpful. You can also use this gift guide to find items to prepare for your own wish lists and personal goals for a healthier new year.

We’ve divided our Healthy Gift Guide into 4 parts, starting with gift ideas for a healthier kitchen.


 A Healthier Kichen

1. If you don’t drink water because you don’t like the taste of water, having filtered or infused water ready can make you more likely to get your recommended 8 glasses a day. Drinking more water helps improve your metabolism, prevent headaches, and improve weight loss. Add some cucumber or lemon slices to your water to give your water some subtle flavor.



2. is a great holiday gift for this colder time of year. Who doesn’t want to come home to a warm beef stew or healthy chili all ready to go? Sometimes a new cooking tool is the perfect way to jump-start inspiration and motivation to eat better. It breaks up routine and requires us to explore new recipes and ingredients and creates an opportunity for us to choose a healthier diet.



3. Yes the hydration list goes on, because it really makes that big a difference to our wellbeing. For the cola lover in our life, switching from sugar packed colas or empty calorie diet drinks can make a significant improvement with weight management. Cutting sodas out of our diets can in itself lead to weight loss, so why not kickstart a healthier year with more water and less empty calories without losing the carbonation you enjoy in your drinks. Use a to turn tap water into carbonated water, add a lemon wedge, and voilà!



4. Studies have shown that tea drinkers have lower risk of cancers and better results of weight loss. Teas have such a large variety of health benefits, from providing antioxidants, energy, stomach pain relief, and stress relief. Use a that boils the water to the exact temperature best for white, green, oolong and black teas. This is for the tea drinker who appreciates things just so.



We hope these suggestions have given you some good ideas for gifts you can either put on your wish list or put on your shopping list for your loved ones! Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Healthy Gift Guide series! We will be sharing gift ideas for a healthier body.

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