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Gift Guide Series: Going Big

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Welcome to the last post in our Gift Guide Series for a healthier new year! We If you’re looking for a great group gift, or want to splurge on someone important to you, here are some higher budget gifts that will get them ready to go hard after health this upcoming year. Of course, we don’t have to spend a lot of money to give a thoughtful gift, but sometimes our loved ones want or could benefit from something they wouldn’t want to buy for themselves. In these cases, pitching in with a few others or saving up to really wow them could be a great way to let them try that product or activity that could really get them excited about something healthy.

1. Let’s be honest – some people are homebodies, which doesn’t mean that they’re lazy. They want to be healthy but they love being at home. Transform their living room from a theatre into a gym by gifting this . You can’t make the gym any more accessible by having it be present in the very room that makes it so easy to be a couch potato.



2. One of the kitchen gifts that everyone can appreciate but might hesitate to supply for themselves is a set of good knives. It can be a daily tool that makes cooking feel like a more of a privileged experience where we get to use quality tools to create quality meals. includes paring knives, a utility knife, a bread knife, a cook’s knife, a sharpener, and kitchen scissors. Now you are all set to prepare some healthy meals!



3. is fantastic staple to get your loved one moving and keeping their heart healthy. This is especially helpful for those who prefer a faster pace than walking, as biking allows them to get places faster and find new and different routes. This is a fitness item that can grow along with the person as they build up their physical capacity. It’s easy to just find short and flat routes when starting out, and then include uphill segments as they begin to plateau and need new challenges. Gifting someone a good bike gives them a lot of options – from weekend cruising to a bigger lifestyle change like biking to work (You can always include a bonus bike bell too!).



4. One of the most basic forms of exercise that anyone can do is walking. The cold temperatures and early sunsets in the winter months can be a deterrent to anyone trying to get in a daily half hour of movement. Walking is a great low impact way to burn calories, improve high blood pressure, decrease stress and increase overall fitness. with rubber grip will make for both warm and safe walks for the loved one you want to see get even healthier this coming year.



5. Set your dear one up for success by getting them a membership at a local gym or sports club. Think about their personality and tailor the membership to their fitness needs. Do they need a personal trainer to keep them motivated and hold them to a consistent routine? Would they work better in a swim club or running club with a group? If the gym is not for them, what activity might they enjoy? Tennis lessons or yoga classes are just a couple of options. Research to see what your city has to offer, and we are confident you can find something that will be a good option for your loved one to try for a few months or whole year.



And that’s a wrap! Have a great weekend filled with final holiday shopping and preparations. As you run around picking up healthy gifts, make sure to take care of yourself too – eat nourishing food and make sure to schedule in extra rest time.

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