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Gift Guide Series: The Right Equipment

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One of the biggest deterrents to healthy change is always fear – and this shows up in many subtle ways. We don’t weight train because we don’t know how to use the equipment or what type of exercises we should do. Not only can having the right tools eliminate the excuse that you aren’t ready to eat healthy or get active, but it can actually motivate you to put them to use!

1. Have you hung out with your brother or niece and noticed that they like stopping at juice or smoothie stands when they’re thirsty? A or juicer might a great way for them to see if they would like to incorporate healthy smoothies into their everyday diet. Recipes are simple and readily available online, so this is an easy and unintimidating way to start enjoying nutritious drinks for a fraction of the price of local smoothie joints.


2. Healthy cooking can be intimidating, and you can make it much more encouraging and accessible by giving the food lover in your life a . Preparing food with a steamer instead of pan frying in oil or thawing frozen foods packed with preservatives will make a helpful difference in your nutritional and caloric intake. This food steamer makes it easy to prepare steamed fish, vegetables, rice and much more. This steamer has egg holders, a rice bowl, a timer and auto shutoff features for convenience and safety.


3. If you’re shopping for someone who loves to be outside all year round, a good pair of would be good for outdoor running or biking. It is a gift that is simultaneously functional, stylish, and practical as it lets them interact easily with their touchscreen devices to listen to music or use apps while they are on the go. Knowing that your hands will be warm and that you can still access your devices make it easier to get out and enjoy outdoor exercise despite the cooler temperatures.


4. Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise, especially for anyone with joint issues. Swimming is full body movement, while the water creates resistance for muscle engagment. Goggles and a nose plug aren’t pricey or hard to get, but a thoughtful way to improve your loved one’s laps in the pool is a and . The are specially designed to remain firmly in the ears despite movement and water pressure.


These have just been a few ideas for different types of tools that would make being healthier just that much more convenient and fun. Don’t forget to check out Part 1 and 2 of our Gift Guide Series to get inspiration for any last gifts you need to pick up this week! Stay tuned for our final post in the healthy gift series.

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