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How to Take Control of Your Child’s Asthma Symptoms

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inhaler Many children suffer from severe asthma symptoms and must regularly take asthma medication. While parents can buy Singulair online to manage these symptoms, there are other contributing factors. Childhood obesity, the home environment and exposure to irritants, such as cigarette smoke and pet dander, can all worsen or trigger asthma symptoms. Parents can work with their child’s doctors to carefully manage the symptoms of both asthma and childhood obesity, lessening the frequency of the attacks.

Obesity’s Contribution to Asthma Symptoms

Childhood obesity can cause many issues, but if a child is susceptible to asthma, . Obesity and asthma are often comorbid, meaning a patient can experience a diagnosis of both diseases at once and that the symptoms can occur simultaneously. New research has determined this is more common if the asthma is triggered by indoor air pollution. For reasons yet undetermined, children who are obese and are frequently exposed to pollutants such as secondhand smoke or chemical offgassing are more likely to develop asthma symptoms. Obesity alone is not a sure sign asthma will occur, but when it is combined with specific indoor air pollutants, the condition may be triggered.

Ways to Manage Your Child’s Asthma Symptoms

If your child has developed the telltale symptoms of asthma — such as wheezing, coughing and trouble catching his breath — it may be time for a visit to a pediatrician. Typically, asthma symptoms can be managed with either a rescue inhaler alone or a combination of a rescue inhaler, like albuterol, and a preventative inhaler, like Singulair. Additionally, your child’s doctor may recommend that you make changes to your home environment to minimize asthma triggers. Removing pets from the child’s bedroom, ensuring no one smokes near the child, and reducing exposure to chemical sprays may all be possible suggestions. Limiting these triggers as much as possible may help you manage the symptoms that your child experiences and may reduce the number of asthma attacks he experiences.

Ways to Manage Childhood Obesity

If your child has obesity and is also showing the symptoms of asthma, it’s essential that you work with your doctor to develop a plan to . The physician can recommend some steps you can take in your family, such as increasing daily exercise and changing the way you eat meals. He may also refer you to a nutritionist or a physical therapist to help teach your child the new skills that he’ll need to pursue a healthier lifestyle. inhaler2As a parent, you can work with your child at home by providing healthy meal and snack options and encouraging them to exercise more frequently. While it may be tempting to simply lecture your child about these issues, it may be more helpful to just make changes in your family dynamic so that everyone participates together. Instead of watching a sitcom after dinner, for example, you may choose to take a walk as a family. On the weekend, instead of going to a movie and sharing a large soda and buttered popcorn, you may decide to go for a hike and enjoy a picnic lunch together. While it may take some time for your child to adjust to these changes, it may be easier for them if the entire family is working together to toward a healthier lifestyle.

Ways to Manage Obesity and Asthma During Puberty

As your child grows and develops, a certain amount of weight gain is naturally to be expected. Due to lifestyle changes coupled with hormonal changes, some teens gain more weight than is healthy during this time. If your child seems to be putting on an excessive amount of weight, your doctor may want to evaluate his body mass index (BMI) and advise you about healthy steps you can take to help him lose the excess weight. If your child also suffers from asthma symptoms, —or is beginning to develop them — your doctor may need to take steps to help your teen manage both asthma and obesity. The doctor may prescribe medication to help your teenager manage his asthma symptoms. If this doesn’t help, he may also prescribe an additional preventative inhaler to reduce the number of asthma attacks your teen experiences. Weight is a sensitive issue for many teens and adolescents. If your child is overweight, it may be necessary to work with a doctor or nutritionist to help them slim down without damaging his self-esteem. It may help to encourage exercises that don’t trigger asthma attacks, to remind your teen to take his inhaler when he goes out for the day and to stock your home with healthy foods and snacks he enjoys. This can help ensure that your teenager gets enough nutrition in his daily diet, even if he’s dining at school or out with his friends.          

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