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Jogging May Increase Life Expectancy

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Benefits of Jogging

A sedentary lifestyle may increase the need for Canadian prescriptions to treat metabolic problems, such as high cholesterol and poor blood sugar control. On the other hand, regular exercise can support optimal health. Recently, researchers from Denmark discovered that consistent, moderate jogging may reduce people’s mortality rate by nearly half. This conclusion is based on an analysis of data culled from the Copenhagen City Heart study, an ongoing trial that has analyzed cardiovascular risk among 20,000 individuals since 1976. For this specific research on jogging, the scientists evaluated the medical data of 1,116 men and 762 women who engaged in this activity on a regular basis. Data was collected during four two-year time periods between 1976 and 2003. After a follow-up, results showed that the mortality rate of men and women who jogged consistently decreased by 44 percent each. Furthermore, the life expectancy of men increased by 6.2 years. For women, that figure was 5.6 years. According to the researchers, jogging may help improve insulin sensitivity, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, bone density, immune function and psychological function. Other data suggested that the relationship between jogging and mortality rate took on a U-shaped curve. This suggests that mortality is lower for moderate joggers compared to sedentary individuals and extreme exercisers, the scientists said, adding that this activity should leave individuals feeling only slightly breathless. Source: 

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