Canadian Pharmacy Meds

Providing Affordable International Medications

Seasonal Flu

Seasonal Flu Complications: Are You at Risk?

Doctors are calling the 2014 flu season typical, with widespread outbreaks occurring in at least 35 states, as opposed to the 2013 flu season, which was considered more severe than most. That doesn’t mean people aren’t getting extremely sick from the flu virus this year, though. In fact, given that H1N1 — the strain that […]

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heart disease

Don’t Take Heart Disease Sitting Down: Exercise Important to Heart Health

By now, you know exercise is vital to good health. We’re not telling you anything new when we say that spending most of your time sitting isn’t good for you. However, if you needed more proof, it’s come in the form of a brand-new study of 82,000 men from Kaiser Permanente. According to the report, […]

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Bipolar Disorder

Do You Have Bipolar Disorder? Tips for Managing Your Condition Effectively

When you first visit the doctor about your mood swings, you may not be sure what is wrong. You may have felt sad for days at a time and found it difficult to manage simple day-to-day activities. Occasionally, your mood may shift and you could find yourself overly energized, in a wonderful mood — and […]

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