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Couple arguing with each other

How Constantly Fighting Affects Your Health

We love creating a larger dialogue about health by discussing the many aspects that are interrelated. Thankfully, there is increasing awareness of the necessity for a healthy diet, regular exercise, mental and emotional health, and effective medication to all work together for the best overall health. Each element affects the others, and we are examining […]

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Man With Heartburn

How to Tell the Difference Between Acid Reflux and GERD

One of the best parts of summer is the increase in socializing, which of course, comes with sharing meals and quality time with our loved ones. With this, you may find that the BBQs and patio meals you’ve been enjoying cause a less than enjoyable digestion reaction afterwards. If you experience pain or burning sensation […]

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laughing friends

Health Benefits of Strong Social Connections

Healthy social connections are proven to be crucial to physical and mental health at every age. Poor social connections over time can make you more prone to health risks, so it is helpful to begin building healthy relationships young. It certainly continues to be important for older adults, who are in a stage of life where both […]

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Meds Canada Pharmacy

Healthy Anti-Inflammation Diet

In our previous article, we discussed a few general food guidelines for Ankylosing Spondylitis, or AS. Today, we will focus our health discussion on how to minimize inflammation if you have an autoimmune disorder like Ankylosing Spondylitis, Celiac Disease, diabetes, or any other condition that causes chronic inflammation. Having a diet that is high in […]

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