Canadian Pharmacy Meds

Providing Affordable International Medications

Man With Chronic Back Pain

Diet Guidelines for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Those living with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) already know the difficulty of living with chronic back pain and stiffness. While AS is not curable, there are definitely ways you can be proactive to slow down and minimize the symptoms, as well as lessen the severity of the condition. AS is a seronegative spondyloarthropathy disorder which is […]

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How to Store Medication in the Summer

Your prescription medication is key to your health and effective treatment plan. Proper storage and care for your medication will help keep it at its optimal efficacy. Most of us are familiar with the standard instructions for prescription medication. As we have entered into official summertime and it is more important than ever to make […]

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How to Avoid Heat Stroke This Summer

Heat stroke is one of the most common summertime health emergencies. Heat stroke is caused by extensive exposure to high temperatures and is characterized by your core body temperature rising above 105°F. Typically, heat stroke occurs after milder heat illnesses such as heat exhaustion goes untreated. It is also possible to experience heat stroke without […]

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How to Stay Healthy On Vacation

Summer travel is upon us. As you plan your itineraries and research the best activities and meals that new cities and cultures have to offer, let’s include practical ways to stay on top of your health as well. Taking care of your body and any conditions you have during your travels will help you enjoy […]

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