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Should You Drink Alkaline Water?

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Alkaline refers to pH level – our bodies have a pH level, and so does food and liquids that we consume. To give you an idea, tap water typically has a neutral pH level of 6 or 7 on a scale of 0-14. This means that tap water has a balance of acidity and alkaline. The lower the pH number, the higher the levels of acidity, while the higher the pH number, the higher the alkaline level. Alkaline water has a 8-9 pH level. So, what are the pros and cons of drinking alkaline water?

Acidity vs Alkalinity

The health conversation that favors alkaline water is based on the idea that it can help balance or counteract the body’s acidity levels. Let’s begin by clarifying what they both mean, and how they function individually and together in your body.

Your body naturally aims for a neutral pH balance. It can be easier to fall on the acidity side since our blood is a little more acidic, at 7.35-7.45 pH. Much research believes that our health and illnesses are negatively affected by higher acid levels. Both stress and high-acidity food and drink are lifestyle and dietary contributors to higher acidity and lower pH levels. Medical professionals and researchers encourage achieving the proper pH level and internal alkalinity for improved immune function, weight loss and overall health.

What is Alkaline Water?

bedside-carafe-with-glassIs drinking alkaline water a trend or something with substantial benefits for your health? Drinking alkaline water has been a conversation all its own while many also look into and follow the alkaline diet as well.

Alkaline water has  higher pH and alkalinity because it has alkaline-increasing minerals from going over rocks. Alkaline water contains compounds that help promote alkalizing, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate and silica. You can also make your own alkaline water with a water ionizer. It certainly will not harm you to drink alkaline water, but note that drinking alkaline water alone may not ensure the benefits of having a higher pH level.

Research has shown alkalinity can lower glycation levels, which is promising for those with diabetes or Alzheimer’s. The claims that alkaline water can help minimize your chances of disease as well as slow effects of aging are appealing, but more studies are needed.

Which Health Conditions Could This Benefit?

unspecifiedSince our stomachs are naturally more acidic for the purpose of digesting food, a more alkaline diet may be helpful for anyone managing ulcers and heartburn. Alkaline water can help protect against harmful microorganisms in your digestive system. If there are improvements with your acid reflux, for example, your doctor can adjust your dosage of Nexium accordingly.

Other health conditions that could benefit from an alkaline-focused diet include chronic inflammation, obesity, IBS, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis. If you are managing any of these health conditions, of course you would continue to follow any plan your doctor has prescribed for you and continue with your medication, diet and exercise. Do let your doctor know you are drinking alkaline water or incorporating an alkaline diet, so he or she can monitor your progress.

Athletes in particular may find drinking alkaline water helpful. Your muscles overproduce hydrogen ions with heavy exertion, leading to a buildup that causes acidity and fatigue. In this case, alkaline water can be beneficial for balancing acidity and help during and after intense performance, in a similar way as mineral supplements work for endurance athletes.

Overall Pros and Cons

nov14-1Now, as with everything, it is always important to discuss with your doctor before you make any changes to your diet and your health routine. This is a good precaution in case you are managing a health condition where higher alkalinity could possibly have harmful effects. For example, if you have kidney issues, or if you are using medication that affects your kidneys, the minerals from alkaline water could potentially build up in your body and lead to side effects. Just as extreme acidity is not beneficial, neither is extreme alkalinity.

Ultimately, this is a case of you won’t know the degree of benefits for you specifically until you try. Yes there can be benefits for some individuals, depending on their lifestyle and health conditions. If you have a health condition or a diet that leads to higher acidity, or if you are very athletic, you may find increasing your alkalinity is indeed helpful.


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