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Study Links Metabolic Syndrome to Higher Uterine Cancer Odds

Woman discussing metabolic syndrome with doctor
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Hypertension, low good high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, high triglycerides, high fasting blood glucose, and being overweight or obese make up metabolic syndrome. This cluster of conditions increases your heart disease, and leads to hardening of the arteries, stroke, diabetes, and insulin resistance chances. According to a , these health risk factors also might increase endometrial cancer odds among older women.

Heaviness Not Always Key

Investigators reviewed data on over 16,300 American women who received endometrial cancer diagnoses from 1993 to 2007. They compared those subjects to over 100,000 control women who didn’t have cancer in their uterine linings. Their results associated metabolic syndrome with 39- to 103-percent increases in endometrial cancer possibilities among women 65 and up. The study authors attributed the variations to health groups defining this condition differently. Being too heavy is a well-known endometrial cancer risk factor. But even when the researchers took that that into consideration, their findings still tied metabolic syndrome to greater risks by as much as 21 percent. The scientists also connected every condition contributing to this disorder independently with higher endometrial cancer odds. The study’s design allowed investigators to relate metabolic syndrome with endometrial cancer risk. But they couldn’t verify if this syndrome causes this cancer directly.

Understanding this Syndrome

Research indicates that metabolic syndrome affects over 47 million Americans. Almost one of every four non-diabetics has this condition. It’s a growing concern, particularly among people older than 60. With the U.S. population aging, the American Heart Association estimates that this syndrome is on its way to becoming the main risk factor for cardiovascular disease, before smoking. Its combination of conditions increases this likelihood more dramatically than having just one of them. Genetics, diabetic issues, poor eating habits, insufficient exercise, obesity, or being overweight contribute to metabolic syndrome. So does consuming over half of your daily calories from carbohydrates. But this condition’s various danger elements and limited symptoms make its diagnosis challenging. Extra-high blood sugar can cause diabetic signs like excess urination and thirst, blurry vision, and fatigue. Besides elevated blood pressure, triglyceride, and blood glucose levels, doctors look for excess belly fat with waist measurements of 40 or more inches in men and at least 35 for women.

Various Treatments Are Necessary

Doctors treat metabolic syndrome with multiple prescriptions. Carvedilol, a beta-blocker, controls elevated blood pressure. So do angiotensin II receptor blockers, ACE inhibitors, diuretics, and other prescription hypertension medications. Zocor, a statin drug, raises HDL cholesterol while also decreasing triglycerides. Additional lipid-lowering options include bile acid resins, niacin-based drug, and other medicines. Janumet provides triple blood glucose management. This drug stimulates your pancreas to produce extra insulin and use it better while also preventing your liver from generating excess glucose. Low-dose aspirin can reduce heart attack and stroke risks. This add-on could be extra important if you’re susceptible to blood clots.

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Eat healthy fruits and vegetables CanadianPharmacyMeds.comAccording to health educator Michael Healey, metabolic syndrome is avoidable and reversible (see video below). Follow diet and fitness strategies that burn fat, reduce weight, and decrease blood sugars. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Add cinnamon to lower your blood sugar. Healey also recommends exercising at least three hours per week to help reach and maintain a healthy weight. Eating before bedtime, typically bad if you’re trying to drop excess pounds, won’t increase your body fat if you choose the right late-night snacks. They may even boost your fat loss results. Carbohydrates raise your insulin storage hormone significantly, which halts fat burning. So don’t eat them when your metabolism’s winding down for the day. Replace carbs with high-quality proteins that digest slowly instead. Overnight, a steady release of amino acids maintains lean muscle that burns calories and promotes fat loss. Sports nutritionist recommends these pre-bedtime options: White meat: Turkey and chicken digest slowly while emitting very little insulin. They trigger the release of the glucagon hormone, which helps your body break down stored fat and carbs that you burn for energy. Avoid red meat for its considerably greater insulin response. Cottage Cheese: This extremely slow digesting food coats your stomach so your body assimilates it over numerous hours. The protein in plain cottage cheese without added sugars and flavors stimulates glucagon. Low-Carb Protein Shakes: Blend a time-released powder of high-quality, slow-digesting proteins with milk or water and ice. Include almond butter for healthy fats. Avoid whey protein. Research shows that its insulin release exceeds white bread. Green Vegetables: Even though these aren’t proteins, they’re virtually without calories, fiber rich, and really filling. They can even control your cravings for unhealthy foods and keep you on your diet.

Endometrial Cancer Symptoms

The Cleveland Clinic advises that diagnostic tests can determine if these signs stem from uterine cancer or other causes:
  • Vaginal bleeding that’s excessively lengthy, heavy, or recurrent if you’re over 40
  • When you’re pre-menopausal, vaginal bleeding in between your normal periods
  • If you’re post-menopausal, even small amounts of spotting or vaginal bleeding
  • Thin clear or white post-menopausal discharge
  • Pelvic cramping or lower abdominal pain

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