Buy Janumet

Overview of Janumet

Janumet is a combination of two popular diabetes drugs that is helpful in treating the effects of Type 2 diabetes. Its manufacturer is Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp, one of the leading makers of diabetic medications. You will also be able to find information about this drug under the generic name of sitagliptin & metformin.

What Janumet is used for

Consumers who buy Canadian Janumet have Type 2 diabetes, a form of diabetes where there is a combination of the pancreas producing too little insulin and the body resisting its effects. People who live with Type 2 diabetes often have a lot of difficulty in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. For many diabetics, combinations of two different drugs are necessary to help keep blood sugar within reasonable levels.

How Janumet works

This medication helps to manage blood sugar in three ways. First, it helps stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin. It then helps the body better use the extra insulin that is produced. The drug also helps prevent the liver from creating too much glucose. In addition to regularly taking oral medication, you should also follow a diabetic meal plan and take part in regular exercise. Your healthcare team will provide information about the lifestyle changes you need to make in order to properly manage your diabetes.

How to take Janumet

The dosage is determined by different factors that might include average blood sugar levels and whether or not you need to take other medications with it. You will need to take extra precautions against low blood sugar, as this is more common when more than one medication is used at a time. Make sure you monitor your blood glucose levels carefully to avoid any problems that may arise.

Always swallow your pill whole to avoid releasing all of the drug at once. Also, remember not to double up on your dose if you miss one. Instead, take your usual dosage at your next regular dosing time. This will help you avoid low blood sugar or other side effects that may come with ingesting too much of a diabetes drug. Remembering to take it at the same time every day is one way to avoid this issue.

Possible side effects of Janumet

Some people might experience an allergic reaction to the drug. The symptoms associated with an allergic reaction include swelling of the tongue, throat or face, difficulty breathing, hives or rash. There are also risks associated for patients with kidney disease taking the drug. While you are taking this drug, you may also have symptoms of low blood sugar, including but not limited to; jittery feelings, weakness, dizziness and confusion.

Most of the side effects are less serious. These might include a headache, either a runny or stuffy nose, feeling of weakness, sore throat, stomach upsets and nausea, upper respiratory infections and diarrhea. The gastrointestinal side effects can be minimized by taking your medication with food.

Janumet Ingredients

The active ingredients are sitagliptin, which increases insulin production and decreases glucose production, along with metformin, which helps the body use insulin more effectively. Most people who take this medication start to see noticeable changes right away.

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Branded Products

  Shipping & Arrival Information
 RX  Janumet (Sitagliptin/Metformin) 50mg/1000mg 56 Brand $124.00
 RX  Janumet (Sitagliptin/Metformin) 50mg/1000mg 112 Brand $212.00
 RX  Janumet (Sitagliptin/Metformin) 50mg/500mg 56 Brand $134.00
 RX  Janumet (Sitagliptin/Metformin) 50mg/500mg 112 Brand $232.00
 RX  Janumet XR (Sitagliptin/Metformin) 50mg/1000mg 60 Brand $268.00
 RX  Janumet XR (Sitagliptin/Metformin) 50mg/1000mg 120 Brand $526.00
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