Buy Memantine HCL Prescription Online at the Most Affordable Price

We sell Memantine HCL, Ebixa, and Canadian Memantine HCL Online to those who have RX Prescriptions from your Doctor.

Memantine HCL Prescriptions

As a serious condition, Alzheimer's disease can cause genuine distress amongst both those who suffer from it and the people closest to them. In the long run, it can render the patient completely unaware of who they once were. Because of this, any form of treatment for the disease is welcome. If you are curious about whether to buy Memantine HCL, then keep reading to find out more.

What is Memantine HCL?

Memantine is the first of one particular class of treatment for Alzheimer's disease, and was specifically developed for that purpose. Although it has been used for years in Europe, the treatment has recently become available to the United States, and offers a unique method of treatment compared to other medicines that have previously been used to treat the disease.

There have been strong links shown between the common symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and a chemical imbalance of one particular substance, glutamate. Memantine HCL can help by blocking the activity of this particular chemical and, as a result, has a positive effect on the cognitive ability of a patient that is suffering from the disease.

Notably, Memantine HCL is the first available medicine that can slow the later stages of the disease, effectively reducing the moderate to severe symptoms such as memory loss and thinking problems. Other medicines have previously tended to improve the mild and moderate symptoms only.

It is worth noting, of course, that whilst Memantine HCL has been shown to be effective in patients with late stage Alzheimer's disease, there is still no genuine cure for the condition, and symptoms such as personality changes may still occur. The ability to improve the daily functioning and ability of patients, however, remains an extremely positive step.

Memantine HCL Dosage - How to take Memantine HCL

Typically, Memantine HCL should be ingested directly by the patient. It is, of course, vital that anyone who will be taking the medicine should follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to the letter, and use the oral syringe provided to ensure that the precise dose is taken. Memantine HCL should not be mixed with water or any other form of pharmaceuticals.

Your search returned the following results for products that either match, relate to, or are possibly therapeutically equivalent to your search phrase "Memantine HCL".
Please note that all prescription products require a VALID PRESCRIPTION written by your doctor to be sent to us to complete your order.

Branded Products
To maximize your savings, see Generic products below.

  Shipping & Arrival Information
 RX  Namenda (Memantine) - Marketed as Ebixa Internationally 10mg 100 Brand $144.00
 RX  Namenda (Memantine) - Marketed as Ebixa Internationally 10mg 200 Brand $259.00
 RX  Namenda (Memantine) - Marketed as Ebixa Internationally 20mg 84 Brand $220.00
Please note that not all medications, including any referenced on this page, are dispensed from our affiliated Canadian Pharmacy. The medications in your order may be filled and shipped from an approved International fulfillment center located in a country other than Canada. In addition to dispensing medications from our Canadian Pharmacy, medication orders are also filled and shipped from international fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies from their respective countries. Medication orders are filled and shipped from approved fulfillment centers around the world including, but not limited to, Canada, Singapore, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Turkey, Mauritius, India, Australia, and the United States. All of our affiliated fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies from their respective countries.

Generic Products: what is a Generic?  

  Shipping & Arrival Information
 RX  Memantine HCl (Generic) 10mg 112 Generic $75.00
 RX  Memantine HCl (Generic) 10mg 224 Generic $127.00
 RX  Memantine HCl (Generic) 5mg 100 Generic $75.00
 RX  Memantine HCl (Generic) 5mg 200 Generic $97.00
Please note that not all medications, including any referenced on this page, are dispensed from our affiliated Canadian Pharmacy. The medications in your order may be filled and shipped from an approved International fulfillment center located in a country other than Canada. In addition to dispensing medications from our Canadian Pharmacy, medication orders are also filled and shipped from international fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies from their respective countries. Medication orders are filled and shipped from approved fulfillment centers around the world including, but not limited to, Canada, Singapore, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Turkey, Mauritius, India, Australia, and the United States. All of our affiliated fulfillment centers have been approved by the regulatory bodies from their respective countries.

All generic products listed above are NOT manufactured or authorized by the maker of the brand name product. They are manufactured by licensed generic manufacturers.

Memantine HCL Side Effects

Memantine HCL has several side effects, many of which are fortunately fairly minor. Some of the most common include the onset of headaches and dizziness, as well as confusion and on some occasions, constipation. Needless to say, any patient who will be taking Memantine HCL should be in ongoing contact with their doctor or health professional to ensure that any side effects can be monitored and managed efficiently.

Any patient who is to be treated with Memantine HCL should make their doctor aware of any previous kidney problems they have been treated for, or any issues with the urinary tract. In some instances Memantine HCL may not be used to treat patients who have had a past history of renal problems. Sometimes, however, they may be able to take smaller doses.

Additional Information on Memantine HCL

Finally, any patients who are pregnant at the time of treatment should consult their doctor before beginning a course of medication. Currently, it is unknown whether or not Memantine HCL passes into the breast milk during breastfeeding, so it is vital to consult a health professional to confirm whether or not the risk should be taken.