A big breakfast and lunch could help control diabetes

Sitagliptin users might want to start rethinking their meal plans in the fight against diabetes.

Sitagliptin users might want to start rethinking their meal plans in the fight against diabetes. Bigger is apparently better when it comes to the size of your food quantity, especially with your first two meals of the day.

Diabetic researchers from around the world collaborated together to assess how changing up your dietary habits can help control weight gain as well as blood sugar levels. Initiating a study that examined , the scientists asked the subjects to follow one of two methods of dieting. While each diet eventually amounted to 500 calories under the recommended daily amount, one plan incorporated consuming all of the calories by only eating a hearty breakfast and lunch, while the other involved eating six smaller meals throughout the day. Each group was given 12 weeks to complete one form of dieting, and then they were instructed to switch plans for the next 12 weeks.

The researchers discovered that those following a regimen of eating only breakfast and lunch were able to lose more weight, decrease liver fat content and lower plasma glucose amounts more effectively than eating the six smaller portioned meals. While how each participant chose to manage their diet in terms of quantity and meal content was not revealed, each method had the same overall calorie amount so there was no discrepancy between the two eating plans.  

The authors of the study all agreed that eating two big meals a day is a more effective way of handling diabetes.

"Eating only reduced body weight, liver fat content, fasting plasma glucose, C-peptide and glucagon, and increased OGIS, more than the same caloric restriction split into six meals," the authors said in a statement. "These results suggest that, for Type 2 diabetic patients on a calorie-restricted diet, eating larger breakfasts and lunches may be more beneficial than six smaller meals during the day."

Other ways of regulating diabetes
Switching meal plans may be beneficial for the with diabetes, but there are plenty of other ways to help monitor blood sugar levels and avoid symptoms of the disease. A few simple tactics to treat diabetes include:

  • Avoiding smoking tobacco
  • Exercising 30 minutes daily
  • Losing and regulating your weight
  • Staying away from processed foods and sugary beverages

A prescription to Sitagliptin is another way to fight back against diabetes. If you need to buy Sitagliptin, you can always use a Canadian online pharmacy to provide you with the medication you need.