A trip to the gym might help men elude diet-induced ED

As many Viagra users know, erectile dysfunction is a common condition in men that can be caused by several factors.

As many Viagra users know, erectile dysfunction is a common condition in men that can be caused by several factors. Aging is a natural factor that causes the disorder, and there are currently more than 5 percent of men 40 or older who are having complete ED. While prescribed medication can always help, recent studies indicate that a little exercise and healthy dieting can go a long way when it comes to male impotence.  

Professors from East Carolina University recently examined how , when applied to a typical Western-style diet of frequent junk-food consumption, can alleviate symptoms of nutrition-induced ED. To explore this correlation, the researchers administered laboratory rats to a 12-week session of ingesting a Western-style diet that was essentially high in sugar and caused the animals to receive half of their calories from fat. Another group of rats were provided with a healthier standard rat chow instead, and half of the animals in each group engaged in treadmill running exercises five days a week.

At the end of the trial, the rats were tested for their erectile ability by researchers electrically stimulating the cavernosal nerve, which prompts penile blood flow in the animals, triggering an erection. The colleagues discovered that while the rats who were provided with a Western-style diet but did not exercise were considered to have erectile dysfunction, the animals that ate unhealthy yet received physical activity were able to avoid impotence. Regardless, rats that ate nutritiously and exercised had no problems regarding penile blood flow whatsoever.

The authors regarded their results as a way for men who are inclined to eat poorly on occasion to remember that physical exercise is essential in terms of preserving their ability to achieve an erection.

"The finding that exercise prevents Western diet-associated erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease progression translates to an intensively throughout the duration of the 'junk food' diet," the authors said in a press release. "It remains to be seen if a moderately active lifestyle, or an active lifestyle initiated after a prolonged duration of a sedentary lifestyle combined with a 'junk food' diet is effective at reversing functional impairment."

Exercises that can alleviate erectile dysfunction
On top of traditional gym exercises, such as hitting the treadmill or lifting weights, there are plenty of simple physical activities you can perform that will help increase your penile blood flow. Some of these include:

  • pelvic floor stretches
  • yoga exercises
  • aerobic activity such as cycling or walking

A study from Harvard University indicated that walking just attributed to a 41 percent decrease in the likelihood of erectile dysfunction. As always, Viagra is a suitable solution for impotence. If your prescription has recently ran out, you can buy Viagra from a Canadian online pharmacy to ensure privacy.