Abnormal cell communication may be cause of depression, but Effexor still effective

A new study from the University of Maryland School of Medicine may provide some answers regarding what causes depression symptoms.

The biggest challenge in treating depression to date has been figuring out exactly what triggers it. Drugs such as Effexor have been effective despite a limited medical understanding of the illness.

A new study from the University of Maryland School of Medicine may provide some answers regarding what causes depression symptoms. 

University professor, Scott Thompson, Ph.D., spearheaded a study that suggests that the affliction is in part due to an inability for brain cells to communicate properly. This represents a major breakthrough in how medical experts understand depression, and could lead to a change in how it is caused. The interaction between cells and neurons has always been thought to be the reason for depression, however, this sort of miscommunication between cells differs from the general thinking that low serotonin rates cause the ailment.

Instead of focusing on the level of serotonin, as most depression studies have in the past, the researchers analyzed signals between cells and noticed they functioned differently in subjects suffering from depression. 

"In the depressed brain, serotonin appears to be trying hard to amplify that cocktail party conversation, but the message still doesn't get through," Dr. Thompson said, explaining the team's findings. 

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 8 percent of Americans over the age of 12 suffer from depression. Females are at a higher risk for depression in every age group, according to the source. Approximately 12 percent of Women between the ages of 40 and 59 suffer from the disease. 

Even with the new research shedding light on the effects of the disease, it's unlikely that a change in treatment comes anytime soon. Additional research is needed before the results can be confirmed and integrated into future treatment programs. 

At the moment, Effexor remains one of the most effective pharmaceuticals to control symptoms of depression. Purchasing the drug at a Canadian online pharmacy is a cost effective approach, as they offer lower prices than most U.S. pharmacies.