Actor's special Batman diet may help people avoid arthritis

To ensure she'd be able to handle the stunt work needed to play Catwoman in the Dark Knight Rises, Anne Hathaway went on an "anti-inflammatory diet."

To ensure she'd be able to handle the stunt work needed to play Catwoman in the Dark Knight Rises, Anne Hathaway went on an "anti-inflammatory diet." Not only did the regimen of "cooling foods" help her fit into the skin-tight Catwoman costume, it reduced the chances she'll ever have to buy Clelebex or buy Euflexxa for arthritis. 

"Inflammation in the body can lead to all kinds of heart issues, and sets the stage for heart attacks, strokes, vascular issues, diabetes - it can be the root of many diseases like arthritis," Jackie Keller, Hathaway's personal nutrition coach explained to the Huffington Post.

In the Huffington Post story, Keller pointed to cherries, leafy green vegetables, fatty fish, and dark chocolate as foods that should help keep inflammation in check. Keller discouraged tomatoes, potatoes, refined foods, and red meat, which may increase chances of bloating, headaches, and other problems associated with internal swelling.  

The Arthritis Foundation states that osteoarthritis impacts about 27 million people in America, and is characterized by to the gradual elimination of cartilage which allows comfortable movement of joints and provides cushioning for the bones.