Advocacy group tells Americans to take action to preserve access to Canadian pharmacies

Lawmakers and pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. are currently considering actions that could threaten Americans’ access to cheap medication from Canada.

Lawmakers and pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. are currently considering actions that could threaten Americans’ access to cheap medication from Canada. However, advocacy groups are saying that individuals should stand up and tell their representatives how they feel about this.

Officials from the group Pay the Price recently outlined three steps that individuals who are concerned about the high price of medications can take. First, they said people should understand how unnecessarily expensive prescriptions threaten people’s health. Second, they should get in touch with their representatives about the issue. Finally, sharing their knowledge through Facebook and other means can have a powerful effect.

"Americans should be concerned about the threat of reduced access to Canadian pharmacies and affordable medications," said Emmett Murphy, spokesperson for one Canadian pharmacy "Pharmaceutical company tactics like price-fixing and pay to delay are forcing Americans to pay more for their medications than any other industrialized nation."

Pay the Price says that many people are forced to skimp on food, split medication doses or take on debt in order to afford their prescription drugs.