Aggressive blood sugar control may provide no benefit for diabetics

For diabetics with cardiovascular risk factors, it is widely believed that aggressively lowering blood sugar levels to near-normal concentrations could improve their heart health.

For diabetics with cardiovascular risk factors, it is widely believed that aggressively lowering blood sugar levels to near-normal concentrations could improve their heart health. After all, excessive blood glucose is the primary cause of cardiovascular complications. However, new research suggests that a prescription to buy Actos at normal doses may be sufficient.

Researchers from the Boston Medical Center studied the effectiveness of aggressive blood sugar control in a group of diabetic patients undergoing a coronary artery bypass graft. Half the participants received intensive treatment to bring blood sugar levels down to normal levels, while the other received standard therapy, which only seeks to moderate high glucose.

The results showed no difference in long-term survival rates in both groups. The team found virtually no benefit to aggressive treatment, while there was at least one significant drawback. These patients were more likely to experience hypoglycemic events.

"Aggressive glycemic control did not result in any significant improvement of clinical outcomes than can be achieved with moderate control," said lead researcher Harold Lazar. "Aggressive glycemic control did increase the incidence of hypoglycemic events."