Aggressively lowering blood sugar may have few benefits for diabetics

While providing a diabetic patient with a prescription to buy Actos can help the individual control their blood pressure, many doctors opt for more aggressive treatment approaches. However, a new study indicates that these therapies may not be best option for diabetics at risk for heart disease.

While providing a diabetic patient with a prescription to buy Actos can help the individual control their blood pressure, many doctors opt for more aggressive treatment approaches. However, a new study indicates that these therapies may not be best option for diabetics at risk for heart disease.

Cardiovascular complications are the leading cause of death in diabetics, and high blood sugar levels are thought to be the reason for the increased risk. Therefore, many medical experts have advocated aggressively lowering glucose levels through intensive medication.

However, after reviewing the results of 13 previously published investigations on the matter, researchers from the Louis Pradel Hospital in Bron, France, found that there are few benefits to this aggressive type of approach.

Lowering glucose readings to near-normal levels failed to prevent cardiovascular deaths, the results showed. Additionally, patients on the treatment plan were twice as likely to experience hypoglycemic events, in which blood sugar drops too far, sometimes reaching dangerous levels.

Therefore, the researchers recommended that doctors approach the decision to aggressively treat blood sugar cautiously. A simple prescription to buy Actos in normal doses may be just as effective.