Algae extract may improve cholesterol levels

A prescription to buy Lipitor can be an effective way for patients with unhealthy cholesterol levels to lower their LDL, or "bad," cholesterol. However, there are currently no medications proven to raise beneficial HDL cholesterol.

A prescription to buy Lipitor can be an effective way for patients with unhealthy cholesterol levels to lower their LDL, or "bad," cholesterol. However, there are currently no medications proven to raise beneficial HDL cholesterol.

Researchers from Wayne State University are now saying that an extract from algae may improve HDL levels more effectively than any other current drug on the market. The finding could lead to the development of new medications.

The researchers developed a product called ProAlgaZyme. When administered to hamsters with unhealthy cholesterol, the product was shown to significantly improve HDL levels. The team said their finding confirms previous research, which also showed cholesterol benefits associated with algae extract.

More research is needed - particularly clinical trials involving humans - before the product can be put into wide use. Little is known about the long-term effects of the drug. Still, the researchers said they believe the results hold significant promise.

"Very few agents increase good cholesterol, but we found that this algae extract does," said lead researcher Smiti Gupta.