All trans fats not necessarily bad, study finds

For individuals who buy Lipitor to lower their cholesterol levels, trans fat has become a dirty word. The past few years have brought us a number of studies indicating that trans fat can lead to dangerous increases in cholesterol levels.

For individuals who buy Lipitor to lower their cholesterol levels, trans fat has become a dirty word. The past few years have brought us a number of studies indicating that trans fat can lead to dangerous increases in cholesterol levels. However, a new study points out that an important distinction should be made between natural and industrial trans fat.

Researchers from Laval University in Canada said that trans fat can occur naturally in meats or it may be artificially added to processed foods. Their findings showed that it is the latter source of trans fat that people really need to be wary of.

The team conducted a study in which 61 women were fed a diet containing many natural sources of trans fat for four weeks. The results, which were published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that this had little impact on participants' overall cholesterol levels.

The findings could be useful for helping individuals with high cholesterol develop healthy meal plans. While cutting out most sources of trans fat is likely a good idea, it may not hurt to keep a few natural sources. This may help patients who buy Lipitor find diets that are satisfying and not overly restrictive, which may increase the chances that they will stick to them.