Anxiety could lead to higher risk of stroke

Quetiapine users know that the inability to control emotions of fear and uncertainty is often frustrating.

Quetiapine users know that the inability to control emotions of fear and uncertainty is often frustrating. Anxiety is something that affects more than in the United States, and can often lead to numerous health side effects. Researchers have recently uncovered a new potential symptom of anxiety that might cause alarm.

Professors from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine completed an examination that analyzed whether or not stress caused by anxiety can result in a . The study is the first of its kind, by linking anxiety and stroke together, independent from other variables such as depression. The testings lasted 22 years, in which 6,019 participants ranging in age from 25 - 74 were involved in the first ever National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

After the subjects were administered to interviews, blood tests and medical examinations, they then moved on to psychological questionnaires that measured their depression and anxiety levels. The researchers were able to find that even displaying subtle increases of anxiety were linked to a higher risk of stroke. Those who were grouped in the highest third of anxiety symptoms were also discovered to have a 33 percent higher risk of stroke than compared to subjects with lower anxiety levels.

Dr. Maya Lambiase, a researcher at the University of Pittsburgh and co-author of the study, was concerned over how high anxiety levels could affect overall health in the long run.

" now and then, " Lambiase said in a statement. "But when it's elevated and/or chronic, it may have an effect on your vasculature years down the road."

How to lower anxiety
Anxiety can impact a person's thinking towards general health with pessimistic approach. The study alluded to the fact that those who struggle with constant worry or unease are also more likely to be physically inactive and smoke cigarettes, which are independent factors that also increase the risk of stroke. It's important for those with anxiety to learn to take steps toward not only eliminating poor vices brought forth by the condition, but also figure out temporarily reduce moments of stress. A few ways to help lower anxiety levels and calm down include:

  • Take several deep breaths and count each one in your head
  • Recognize that you are feeling anxious and that your mind is playing tricks on you
  • Close your eyes and visualize something that can calm you down
  • Focus on the present and not the future
  • Do something positive that brings you pleasure

With more than 40 million adults in the U.S. learning to cope with anxiety, the more we learn how to deal with symptoms, the lesser the risk of stroke. If you are concerned anxiety is affecting your life, contact your doctor today to see if Quetiapine is right for you. You can buy Quetiapine at a Canadian online pharmacy.