Apples join Flovent in the fight against asthma

We've all heard that an apple a day can keep the doctor away, but now asthma might have to be added to that list.

We've all heard that an apple a day can keep the doctor away, but now asthma might have to be added to that list. Researchers investigated whether or not pregnant women who consume apples on a daily basis might prevent their children from asthma related symptoms in the future, and the results are sweeter than apple pie.

Researchers in Washington rounded up nearly to analyze their maternal diet to see if it had any factor on their child's breathing patterns in the future. Tracking a wide variety of foods for the expectant mothers to consume, the scientists evaluated more than 1,200 of the children's airway flow five years post-birth. After analyzing the breathing conditions of the children according to what food was the primary staple of the mother's diet, the researchers concluded that eating apples was the best way to decrease a child's risk for developing asthma.

In addition to asthma, the study also focused on other poor breathing symptoms such as wheezing and coughing, also finding that apples lowered instances of those side effects with children. Above all, the researchers discovered that if a pregnant woman's diet consists mainly of vitamins A, C and D and zinc, it would more than likely decrease the odds of their infant contracting asthma, wheezing and eczema like side effects.

Researchers were adamant that their discovery could eventually be able to significantly lower future generation's susceptibility to asthma simply through eating more apples.

"The present study suggests beneficial associations between maternal apple intake during pregnancy and wheeze and asthma at age five years," the scientists addressed in a press statement. "The intake of apples as a significant source of flavonoids and other polyphenols has been beneficially associated with asthma, bronchial hypersensitivity, and lung function in adults."

Early signs of asthma
There are more than who are currently living with asthma, while an estimated 6.8 million children are diagnosed with the condition as well. Figuring out if a child has impaired breathing at a young age is the best way to help prevent symptoms from worsening in the future. Beginning stages of asthma can include:

  • Frequent shortness of breath
  • Tightness in chest
  • Fatigue after exercise or outdoor activity
  • Frequent coughing
  • Difficulty sleeping

If you or your child is experiencing frequent occasions of these side effects, contact your doctor or physician immediately to see if Flovent is the right choice for you, and get a head start on the fight against asthma.