Arthritis patients need to exercise more, experts say

For individuals who suffer from any type of arthritis, few things are better for their condition than remaining active. When paired with a prescription to buy Celebrex, exercise can be a powerful tool for keeping joints flexible and pain-free.

For individuals who suffer from any type of arthritis, few things are better for their condition than remaining active. When paired with a prescription to buy Celebrex, exercise can be a powerful tool for keeping joints flexible and pain-free.

Yet many people with arthritis lead relatively sedentary lives because the pain associated with their condition makes it difficult for them to continue leading active lifestyles. Experts say this underscores the importance of finding low-impact activities that will not bother joint pain.

"The worst thing a person with arthritis can do is sit around, because what happens to an old, rusty gear in a machine? If you don't keep it moving, it just keeps getting more socked in and more socked in and more rusty," University of Pittsburgh Medical Center orthopedic surgeon Dr. Vonda Write told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. 

Despite advice like this, a recent report out of Northwestern University indicated that about 40 percent of arthritis patients lead totally sedentary lifestyles. For the majority, the pain is the primary reason they do not get regular exercise.

For some, a prescription to buy Celebrex may help them overcome the pain enough to start exercising again.