Arthritis treatment linked to liver damage

A functional food commonly sold to patients with osteoarthritis may cause serious liver damage, according to a new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

A functional food commonly sold to patients with osteoarthritis may cause serious liver damage, according to a new study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. The findings suggest that patients may be better off sticking with established treatments, such as a prescription to buy Celebrex.

Researchers evaluated the effects of a product sold as Flavocoxid. It is made up of a number of antioxidants and other natural products. Some evidence suggests that it helps ease the pain associated with osteoarthritis.

However, after evaluating results of previous clinical trials, the researchers found that many people who used Flavocoxid developed liver damage. The symptoms of impaired liver function tended to dissipate when participants stopped taking Flavocoxid.

The researchers wrote in their report that this indicates a pretty clear link between the product and liver problems.

While the pain of osteoarthritis can be difficult to live with, there are other options for managing discomfort besides Flavocoxid. For example, a prescription to buy Celebrex has been proven effective at controlling pain and helping people avoid becoming disabled due to their condition.