Binge drinking may not harm heart health as much as thought

Individuals who engage in binge drinking have been warned in the past that their alcohol consumption may increase their risk of developing cardiovascular disease and experiencing a heart attack or stroke.

Individuals who engage in binge drinking have been warned in the past that their alcohol consumption may increase their risk of developing cardiovascular disease and experiencing a heart attack or stroke. This may have led some individuals to consider talking to their doctor about a prescription to buy Lipitor.

However, a new study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health indicates that the association between binge drinking and cardiovascular risks may be somewhat exaggerated.

For the study, researchers examined survey data collected from more than 26,000 Danish adults in 1994, 2000 and 2005. The results showed that individuals who reported binge drinking had roughly the same rates of heart disease as moderate to light drinkers.

The researchers said their findings should not completely dismiss any concern over binge drinking's impact on heart health. There are many factors that could alter the effect of excessive alcohol consumption, such as whether or not a person begins drinking on an empty stomach. These factors may have altered the results of the study.

Still, the investigation does suggest that there may be more to the effect of binge drinking on heart health than previously thought.