Blood sugar can be measured through the tears, researchers say

Individuals who buy Actos to manage their condition know that constantly testing blood sugar can be a hassle. The process generally involves pricking the fingers, which can cause serious pain and discomfort.

Individuals who buy Actos to manage their condition know that constantly testing blood sugar can be a hassle. The process generally involves pricking the fingers, which can cause serious pain and discomfort. In order to address this problem, a team of researchers recently developed a method of glucose measurement that does not involve breaking the skin.

Investigators reported in the journal Analytical Chemistry that it may be possible to measure a person's glucose levels from their tears. This could deliver accurate readings while saving diabetics from the discomfort of pricking their fingers several times throughout the day.

"Thus, it may be possible to measure tear glucose levels multiple times per day to monitor blood glucose changes without the potential pain from the repeated invasive blood drawing method," the researchers said.

A more convenient and pain-free testing method may encourage diabetics to measure their glucose levels more frequently during the course of a day. This generally leads to better blood sugar management, which could be a major benefit for individuals who have to buy Actos to control their condition.