Breastfeeding difficulties may be associated with postpartum depression

New mothers who have difficulty breastfeeding their baby may want to discuss with their doctor whether they need a prescription to buy Paxil, as a new study has shown that this may be symptom of postpartum depression.

New mothers who have difficulty breastfeeding their baby may want to discuss with their doctor whether they need a prescription to buy Paxil, as a new study has shown that this may be symptom of postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression occurs in a minority of women after they give birth. However, its effects can damage the health of both the mother and the newborn. For this reason, identifying individuals who are at the greatest risk of the condition is important.

For the study, researchers from the University of North Carolina studied more than 2,500 women who recently gave birth. They found that those who disliked breastfeeding were 42 percent more likely to become depressed and those who experienced pain while feeding were twice as likely to experience depression.

Due to the strong correlation between breastfeeding difficulties and depression, the researchers said that medical professionals should inquire with new mothers about how feeding is going and screen more individuals for depression.

While postpartum depression can be a severe condition, it is treated relatively easily with medications.