Clomid users should avoid BPAs

Clomid users who are exposed to bisphenol A (BPA) may experience additional difficulty with fertility.

Clomid users who are exposed to bisphenol A (BPA) may experience additional difficulty with fertility. This chemical is found in canned foods, plastics, dental sealants and receipts, so most people interact with it on a regular basis. However, BPA does not stay in the body for an extended period of time.

Fertility findings
Researchers from Harvard University's School of Public Health focused their study on 174 women who underwent in vitro fertilization between 2004 and 2010. Through the use of the participants' urine samples, the doctors were able to measure BPA levels. One was taken during IVF treatment, while the other was taken two weeks later - this is the time when the eggs are collected.

Women who had low BPA levels produced an average of 12 eggs, while only nine were collected from the patients on the high end of the scale. In addition to producing fewer eggs, those who had increased BPA levels were also 27 percent fewer eggs that were capable of being fertilized.

One thing that this study did not show was whether or not high levels of this chemical would have the same effect in women who had not undergone IVF. Researchers would like to find out if females who are taking fertility drugs such as Clomid are more susceptible to BPA than those without reproductive concerns.

Reproductive repercussions
Another investigation into BPA found that female infants in the womb who are exposed to the chemical may experience reproductive issues later in life. This research was conducted by professionals from the University of California, but the patients were monkeys, so the findings are not conclusive for humans.

However, the study did uncover information showing that female monkeys who were exposed to BPA in the womb had a greater risk for abnormal egg development later in life than the animals who were not in contact with the chemical. This information is still relevant for humans, because in both species, egg development in females begins before birth.

"All the eggs that a female is going to have in her lifetime are formed before birth," Catherine VandeVoort, researcher on the study, told LiveScience. "Anything that disrupts that progress is going to have an impact later in life."

Further investigation is required revolving around these findings for two reasons. First, it would be best to see how BPA contact during fetal development affects humans specifically. Also, the monkeys did not reach reproductive age, so there's no way of telling what the abnormal egg development would have resulted in - it could increase risk for miscarriages or birth defects.