Clomid users should know about popular fertility myths

Fertility is complex and couples can experience reproductive issues for various reasons.

Fertility is complex and couples can experience reproductive issues for various reasons. Whether they choose to use Clomid or another infertility treatment, it's important to separate fact from myth to erase stigma and foster understanding about infertility to more people.

The basics
Infertility is defined as when a couple fails to get pregnant after having regular intercourse for one year without the use of various forms of birth control. Infertility and sterility are not the same - someone who is sterile is not able to conceive or contribute to conception under any circumstances. About 15 to 20 percent of adults with no underlying health issues struggle with fertility. While nearly 86 percent of couples between the ages of 20 and 24 get pregnant within 12 months, for couples between the ages of 35 and 39, the success rate drops to 52 percent.

The myths

  • Myth: If the couple doesn't get pregnant, it's the woman's fault. In fact, many of the causes of infertility are unknown, but in 25 to 40 percent of the cases, there's a problem with male sperm - including sperm count, shape or movement.
  • Myth: Infertility is a psychological issue. Actually, in 80 to 90 percent of infertility cases, physicians are able to find a physical cause for infertility.
  • Myth: Infertility is a sexual issue. Many couples that are infertile have no trouble having intercourse.
  • Myth: After you've had one baby, you're more likely to get pregnant the second time around. A couple's chances of getting pregnant on their second try is not improved just because they've already had one child.
  • Myth: If you adopt, you're more likely to get pregnant. This isn't true - though couples who choose to adopt sometimes do get pregnant during or immediately after the process of adoption, it's a mere coincidence. Also, adoption is a serious decision and should not be used as a means to an end.
  • Myth: Ingesting cough syrup or choosing the correct sex position can improve one's chances of getting pregnant. Research has shown no evidence for these and other similar claims about fertility treatments.
  • Myth: Infertility treatments are too expensive. While some treatments can be costly, women who have irregular ovulation often take a doctor's prescription of Clomid, which can be purchased at an online pharmacy at a reduced rate.