Combining Nexium with natural heartburn suppressants could help GERD relief

Treating heartburn and acid reflux can be difficult, since every patient's metabolism is different and shutting off acid production entirely is not a plausible option.

Treating heartburn and acid reflux can be difficult, since every patient's metabolism is different and shutting off acid production entirely is not a plausible option. Finding ways to balance acidity at a comfortable level is the key, but recent research shows that not all patients experience symptom relief. On top of taking Nexium and other heartburn medications, adding other dietary and therapeutic solutions may do the trick.

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis looked at 100 people diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease to see how well they responded to basic proton pump inhibitors. This class of pills, including Nexium, works by limiting the amount of acid a patient releases in his or her stomach every day. With just preliminary treatment of this kind, researchers found that about 40 percent of individuals do not achieve the levels of relief.

While surgery is a common worst-case scenario for those who don't experience a decrease in the severity of their GERD symptoms from Nexium and similar pills, there are other, natural ways to approach the problem. Reducing acid intake through foods like fruit juices and spicy snacks can help calm production of acidic chemicals in the stomach, as well as cutting down on inflammation or the stomach.

Natural heartburn remedies
BoldSky commented that there are a number of other foods people can eat that naturally cut acid production, suppress sour stomach and help GERD patients gain extra relief. When eaten regularly and in tandem to Nexium treatment, they can create significant gastrointestinal benefits.

Bananas are one of the best foods for heartburn relief, according to the source. As a great source of potassium, a myriad of vitamins and easy to eat on the go, replacing a regular afternoon candy bar with a banana can cut heartburn and promote a healthy lifestyle overall.

Milk is also useful to keep on-hand, since this beverage can quickly quell some of the more violent physical side effects of GERD. Taking a few sips can quiet an acidic stomach and provide much needed relief. Yogurt is a beneficial snack as well, but be careful of probiotic variants that may aggravate Nexium needs through bacteria production.

Fish and seafood are great choices as primary lunch and dinner foods. Packed with omega-3 fatty acids, various proteins and low in fat, these meats are also good for reducing acid content in the stomach. Picking pieces that go well with other acid-reducing components can make a healthy meal even better for GERD patients.