Compound in raspberries may reduce inflammation in arthritis sufferers

A prescription to buy Hyalgan is one of the best treatments for severe joint pain in the knees caused by arthritis. But there are many other things a person with the condition can do to lessen their systems that may complement this approach.

A prescription to buy Hyalgan is one of the best treatments for severe joint pain in the knees caused by arthritis. But there are many other things a person with the condition can do to lessen their systems that may complement this approach.

For example, a team of researchers from the University of Rhode Island recently showed that an extract of raspberries prevented the degradation of joint tissue and mice genetically programmed to develop arthritis exhibited fewer signs of the condition when fed the extract.

The findings are still in a very preliminary stage, as they have only been demonstrated in joint tissue outside of the body and lab animals. However, there may be something to them. The researchers said that raspberries are very rich in a type of antioxidant known as polyphenols. These molecules have been shown to have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.

Given the fact that inflammation is one of the primary causes of arthritic conditions, the extract may work by attacking pain at its source. While the researchers stopped short of recommending more raspberry consumption among arthritis patients, citing the lack of human evidence, the fruit may have many benefits for individuals who have a prescription to buy Hyalgan.