Dense breast material tied to higher risk of cancer recurrence

Women with dense breast tissue who have previously been treated for breast cancer may face a greater risk of having a tumor return, according to a new study out of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.

Women with dense breast tissue who have previously been treated for breast cancer may face a greater risk of having a tumor return, according to a new study out of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. The finding suggests that these women may benefit from talking to their doctor about a prescription to buy Tamoxifen.

For the study, the researchers analyzed the medical records of nearly 2,000 women who were treated for breast cancer between 1994 and 1996. The results showed that participants who had the densest breast tissue were about twice as likely to experience a recurrence of cancer.

"Our study shows that breast density before or at diagnosis should be taken into account even after diagnosis, for instance, when deciding on adjuvant treatment and follow-up routines," said lead researcher Louise Erickson. "Perhaps women with dense breasts should be followed more frequently or for a longer period of time in order to quickly spot any local recurrence."

A prescription to buy Tamoxifen can be useful in preventing the growth of cancerous cells that may not have been removed or killed during initial surgery and treatment.